Digital Transformation

People, Process, THEN Technology: The Secret to Pragmatic Digital Transformation

New technology won't reach its fullest potential without updated processes and a prepared, informed team. That's where we come in.

Today, I want to chat about a big topic that’s been making waves for the past decade: digital transformation. It’s a term we hear constantly, but what does it really mean in practice? Many organizations dive into new technology solutions, thinking that’s the key to solving all their issues. But here’s the truth: technology alone isn’t the golden ticket.

👨‍💻The Tech Trap 

technology trap

It’s tempting to believe that picking the perfect tech platform will fix everything. After all, in theory, if the technology fits your business needs and serves your customers well, shouldn’t it solve all your problems? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. When you dig deeper, the real challenges often come down to people and processes.

Think about it this way: how can you truly modernize your business if your processes are stuck in the past? Sure, implementing new technology is important, but if your existing processes are outdated or inefficient, you’re not going to get the full benefit of your new tools.

Why People 👫 and Processes 🔄 Matter 

Our job as consultants is to help you get the most bang for your buck from your tech investments. Whether you’re custom-building a solution or opting for an off-the-shelf product, it’s crucial to understand the underlying processes that support your tech needs. Sometimes, we encounter a lot of red tape and outdated practices.

We often ask tough questions like, “Why are you doing it this way?” and frequently get the classic response, “We’ve been doing it this way for 25 years.” These conversations can be uncomfortable, but they’re necessary. We need to dig into the “why” (often five times over) to figure out how to reengineer and optimize your processes, making your team feel more empowered and efficient.

A Case in Point 📄 : ServiceNow 

Let’s take ServiceNow as an example. We’re always excited when clients want to switch to this platform. It’s a robust engine capable of running your entire business. But here’s the catch: to truly unlock its potential, you need to optimize your people and processes first. If your foundation is flawed, ServiceNow’s capabilities will be limited.

Looking ahead, if you don’t tackle technical debt and consolidate your applications, staying on top of new innovations will become increasingly challenging. The name of the game is to minimize technical debt, streamline your application portfolio, and aim for more out-of-the-box solutions wherever possible. Of course, there will always be unique use cases that require customization, but ask yourself: Are you customizing because you’re addressing a genuine new problem, or are you just making excuses for old processes you’re reluctant to change?

So, the bottom line is this...

Before you invest heavily in new technology, take a step back and evaluate your people and processes. Modernizing these aspects first will ensure that when you bring in new tech, everything will run smoothly and efficiently.

Catch you next time! Contact us to learn more. 

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