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Unlocking Innovation - Knowledge24 Wrap-Up

Written by Vicky Papa | May 15, 2024 10:21:51 PM

I just attended my first Knowledge 24. I had no clue what to expect but of course – Las Vegas + corporate parties + rooms full of ServiceNow enthusiasts + more booze and parties – didn’t disappoint. The atmosphere and attendees were warm and welcoming – more so than any other conference I’ve been to.

Like every conference nowadays, you could play a drinking game with GenAI terms–and some of y’all might have. So in case you were too hungover to attend the sessions, I got you covered. Here's some of my biggest take aways:

Diversity Leads to Innovation

There was a noticeable number of women from ServiceNow and their clients taking the stage at Knowlegde24 👏👏👏👏

The inspirational and raw discussion with Viola Davis, Gina Mastantuono, and Jacqui Canney was a highlight for me. The discussion hit on the power of lifting and supporting women through sisterhood. Viola Davis remarked that “sometimes you have to jump into a pond of alligators” to make something unique and authentic to yourself, which can be scary.  By finding your authenticity and celebrating your voice at work, this allows you to do your best. This was a theme also continued in the keynote on Day 3 with Dan Levy and Jon Batiste, where they reiterated similar points.  

Diversity and equity continue to be crucial in technology, especially when discussing Innovation.  Creating a safe space for diverse teams to bring together a variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds will lead to more innovative solutions (and happier people!)

GenAI for the Mundane

ServiceNow is continuing to expand its genAI capabilities on Now Assist. They displayed stats showing that CEOs are all in on AI and believe the ‘soul-crushing work’ can be eliminated.  82% of CEOs say that AI will be highly disruptive for their business. ServiceNow aims to transform and maximize operations with NowAssist.  While GenAI in itself is innovative, this emphasizes that it should be applied to the mundane to accelerate and support real humans (not drive core differentiators or business innovation).

Most sessions spotlighted the practical application of Now Assist, accentuating the human factor and technical innovation. ServiceNow presented numerous practical case studies illustrating how AI is elevating employee and customer experiences. Notably, the presentation by NVIDIA's CEO, Jensen Huang, demonstrated the transformative potential of AI in optimizing business operations. Specifically, it underscored AI's role in automating tasks, streamlining decision-making processes, and extracting valuable insights across the enterprise.

In the Day 3 keynote, the incredibly talented Jon Batiste emphasized that art should not be treated as a mere commodity, nor should the aim be to achieve something merely 'above average.'  This perspective when applied to your business prompts each of us to reconsider our day-to-day operations and distinguish between routine and innovative approaches. This reflection can help each of us determine whether AI is a suitable tool. Dan Levy further underscored the importance of balancing decency and investment in the creative process with the integration of AI to maintain a competitive edge. I took away that AI should not replace unique and creative perspectives, but rather facilitate routine tasks, thereby freeing up human capacity for genuine innovation.

ServiceNow has effectively utilized AI to streamline mundane and routine tasks, enhancing employee productivity and contributing to overall job satisfaction and better work-life balance. If you’re still contemplating how your org may thoughtfully benefit from NowAssist, feel free to reach out. I’d love to help plan your AI roadmap.

Big thanks to ServiceNow, all the speakers, and everyone who made this event unforgettable!

If you’re like me, you couldn’t be everywhere at once. If you missed a session, many of the recordings are now online, so be sure to check them out.

#servicenow #K24 #knowledge24 #know24  #k24