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ServiceNow Knowledge 24: A First Timer's POV

Written by Alec Zeidler | May 14, 2024 2:57:05 PM

Riding the Waves of Knowledge🏄

Well, folks, here we are, reflecting on my very first Knowledge event, and let me tell you, it's been one heck of a ride. Picture this: the curtains drawing to a close on day three, and we're all feeling this mix of tiredness and pure excitement. But you know what? It's the good kind of exhaustion, the kind that comes from soaking up every moment, every insight, every connection. We've laughed, we've learned, we've probably consumed more caffeine than is strictly healthy, but hey, that's all part of the experience, right?

Entering the Fray: Embracing the Chaos

Now, let's talk about day three's keynote. Man, oh man, did it leave us buzzing! The anticipation for the closing luminary panel with John Batiste and Dan Levy was real. Despite the late nights and the Vegas shenanigans taking their toll, just knowing I was about to hear from these luminaries was enough to perk me right up. And let me tell you, walking into that room was like stepping into a whirlwind of energy. Sure, there were a few bleary-eyed faces in the crowd (myself included), but there was also this palpable sense of excitement, of anticipation for what was to come. It was like we were all in on this big, beautiful secret, and we couldn't wait to see how it unfolded (Especially If we knew John was going to perform for us at the end😊 ) 

Navigating the Surf: Unveiling the Gems

And let me tell you, Batiste and Levy did not disappoint. Nick Tzitzon rocked the stage with his wit, keeping us all glued to our seats. As those two shared their insights into creativity and innovation, the whole room was buzzing with introspection. Questions about what drives innovation and how to keep that creative fire burning were flying left and right. Really digging into the essence of human ingenuity. I mean, sure, we've all heard the buzzwords—disruption, transformation, synergy—but hearing it straight from the mouths of people who are out there doing it every day? That's something else entirely.

No Wobbles : Balancing Innovation and Humanity

Now, let's shift gears a bit. You know, thinking about how all this applies to the tech world, especially AI. It's like, sure, we're advancing, but are we losing that human touch? Innovation should be about keeping that magic alive, not just churning out cold, rigid systems. We need to find that balance, where tech and humanity can be pals, not foes. Because let's face it, at the end of the day, it's people who drive innovation, who come up with the crazy ideas and make them a reality. So how do we ensure that technology continues to serve us, rather than the other way around? It's a question worth pondering as we hurtle headlong into the future.

Looking Ahead: Charting a Course for Action

As we wrap up Knowledge 24 and head back to our corners of the world, let's not forget the lessons learned, the new connections created, and that the house always wins (in Blackjack). And hey, who knows what's next? With Astrica leading the charge, we're ready to turn those insights into action and unlock some serious value for our customers. Because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about, right? Taking what we've learned, what we've experienced, and using it to make a real, tangible difference in this ecosystem.

Embracing Dawn Patrol

Closing out, let me just say, it's been a blast. The connections made, the late-night brainstorming sessions, all of it—it's what makes events like this so special. So, here's my challenge to you: How can we keep that innovation fire burning bright in our own organizations? Let's make it not just a one-time ride, but a sustained outcome at scale. Who's with me?


Alec Zeidler 

VP, Sales 


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